Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Three Thanksgivings

What could be better than three Thanksgiving dinners in three different cities? I managed to stretch Thanksgiving out for 4 days.

Thanksgiving Number One—Last Tuesday afternoon we had our first annual office Thanksgiving Potluck Lunch. I volunteered to take charge and managed to stay relatively calm about the whole thing. I started to panic the morning of though when I got four phone calls from people saying they forgot to bring food…luckily everyone else did! We had more than enough food for the 250+ people in my office and it was a huge success. I made 10 pounds of gruyere mashed potatoes and received several emails asking for the recipe:

Gruyere Mashed Potatoes

- 4 lbs red skinned potatoes

- stick of butter

- 1 cup heavy cream or milk

- 1 lb gruyere, grated

- salt

Cut potatoes in large chunks and place in covered pot with water. Bring to a boil and remove lid. Salt and cook until soft (about 12 minutes). Drain water, leaving potatoes in hot pot. Stir in butter, cream/milk, and cheese. Mash potatoes with a fork or potato masher.



(My favorite part of the meal! I stayed up late making the placecards too.)

Thanksgiving Number Two—On Thursday morning, Winston, Jimmy, and I drove up to Connecticut to Jimmy’s dad’s house. I stayed for a few hours and helped cook and then took Winston over to Kelly’s. Her parents, 2 brothers, and boyfriend were there, as well her black lab, Liam. Liam and Winston played in the backyard while the boys threw the football—Winston managed to run across the pool cover and get soaked! He had a great time though, running, rolling on the carpet, and eating turkey. Unfortunately I don’t have any pictures—probably because we were too busy playing Landmine. I haven’t played drinking games in awhile so after three beers, Kelly and I moved to water. We had fantastic appetizers (celery with sherry blue cheese, brie, goat cheese torte with cranberries) and then an even better dinner. Kelly’s mom introduced me to my new favorite Thanksgiving food, creamed onions (I’ll be making them for dinner tonight Jimmy!)

Then it was back to Jimmy’s dad’s for cake for Jimmy’s little brother’s 12th birthday.

The only pictures from Thursday I have are of the Cinnamon-Sugar Pecans I made for Jimmy’s and Kelly’s families.



We went back into the city Thursday night and then Friday afternoon after a half day of work, we left for Raleigh. Winston was an angel and loved his Burger King chicken nugget dinner. clip_image002[5]


Thanksgiving Number Three—This was my first time cooking turkey and it actually turned out well. The only thing that would have made it better would be having Mom there.

I didn’t do much in Raleigh—a lot of eating and laying around by the fire and a little backgammon and needlepoint.



It was so nice to see Winston able to play around outside!clip_image010

He was tuckered out after…


Now that I’m back in chilly NYC with no dog to walk, it’s time to get some keychains finished!

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