Wednesday, September 30, 2009


25 is scary. When we used to play house, I always had a husband and about 4 kids by 25. I understand now that that’s unrealistic (I don’t really, but I’m trying to convince myself it is!) Even though I don’t have all the things I thought I would by 25, I still got some good stuff: a sewing machine, coffee table, TV table, and cashmere dress from my parents (plus lots of quarters for laundry), a couple books, a new set of running headphones, and flowers from Jimmy.


Friday night he took me to the Red Sox-Yankees game at Yankee Stadium too. On Saturday night we went to dinner with my best friend, Kelly, and her boyfriend, Trevor, at Max Restaurant in Tribeca. She gave me the most thoughtful gifts: a coral print Vineyard Vines belt (she knows I love coral—see duvet cover with Winston below), Bobby and Jackie: A Love Story, and white cashmere gloves (perfect for walking Winston in the winter—his fur won’t show!) Thanks Kel!


Kelly and I met years ago at tennis clinic on Cape Cod. We actually couldn’t stand each other at first. The boys in the clinics thought it would be funny if they told each of us things the other one said. By the end of that first summer though, we were best friends. I don’t have many close girlfriends so I really value my friendship with Kelly. She’s my needlepointing buddy too! We’re the only girls in our twenties whose favorite thing to do is sit on the beach and needlepoint. I might need her help with my own needlepoint if I keep getting so many orders!

Anyway, on my actual birthday (Monday), my boss got lunch for us and then Jimmy and I went out for sushi. Then it was home in the pouring rain to watch Gossip Girl and finally try to finish the belt I’m working on (2 inches left!)

Poor Winston has been really strange lately—I think it’s because he’s alone a lot and it’s been raining so we haven’t been to the dog park in 3 days. He’s been getting into the trash again and just doing odd things. Two nights ago, he laid down on a pile of Jimmy’s shoes.


His paw made it into one of the Cole Haans (at least he has good taste!)


So I reluctantly took the order form off the website yesterday, for several reasons:

1. I can’t keep up and don’t think it’s fair to make people wait months for belts

2. It’s a little crazy right now between training for a 10K next month, exercising Winston and work, I feel really tied down and guilty if I’m doing anything but needlepointing

3. I’d like to start working on some new projects (keychains, coasters, etc)


4. All my family and friends want needlepoint, either for themselves as Christmas presents or to give to others, and I haven’t had time to make anything for them in about a year

I’ll probably put the order form back up in about a month and hopefully at that point will also add a key fob order form and coaster form. The belt feedback lately has been great and I’d like to also add a testimonials page as well.

Thanks for hanging in there! There are bigger and better things to come!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Cigars, Sinatra, and CSI

Labor Day on the Cape was great. Winston had a great time playing outside and loved the cool weather. We watched the Red Sox, played Backgammon, went out for lobster, and both my dad and I finished Prince of Tides. clip_image002

We also had beautiful tomatoes from my boss’ backyard garden on Long Island!


This past weekend was even better though. My parents came to the city for the first time in over a year. They saw my new apartment and helped me do a little decorating. We turned the weekend into an early 25th birthday celebration, going to PJ Clarke’s for burgers, cigars at Club Macanudo, pasta (and more cigars) at Florio’s, and drinks and music (and more cigars!) at the Carnegie Club.



Saturday nights at the Carnegie Club are “Sinatra Saturdays,” which ended up being the highlight of the weekend for me. On Saturday afternoon, we spent about an hour at the dog park and they got to meet all of Winston’s friends. We bought some apartment furniture and even found a Crime Scene Investigator shirt for my little brother.

We had a great time and I was sad to see them go back to Raleigh on Sunday. Back to my routine!

(Winston was sad to see grandma and grandpa go too!)


Grip Its and Noodles

I think I found the answer to my poor, sore fingers’ prayers! My mom, sister, and I were at Hancock Fabrics when I was in Raleigh two weekends ago and my sister found these at the check out…


The back says, “Just stick these dots to your thumb and any fingers you use to pull or push needles. Their special adhesive will keep them securely in place, even through hand-washing.” They’re amazing! I’ve even slept with them on and they’ve stayed on through the night. I tried building calluses and was almost there, but picked them off. So this is the next best thing. I’ve been wearing them on the pads of my right middle and ring fingers and on the side of my left pointer finger. They’re pretty thick and sturdy and don’t get caught in the stitching like bandaids. This is a huge revelation for me—I don’t have to carry Neosporin and bandaids in my needlepoint bag anymore!

Speaking of Raleigh, I had a great trip home. I got my license renewed (I refuse to get a New York driver’s license).


I also got a sewing machine for my birthday and an expert tutorial from Mom, went to Target (I hadn’t been there in four months! Too long!), played with “the noodles” (pictured below), and watched football. Wake Forest had a great game against Stanford—I only wish I could’ve been in Winston-Salem for the game. Watching on the back porch was pretty nice too though.

And now…meet “The Noodles”…


Pete (Maltipoo)


His sister, Dixie (my mom says they’re “twins” cause they’re from the same litter)


Coco (Cockapoo)


And Peanut (rescued Jack Russell)


Friday, September 4, 2009

Cape Cod

I’m finishing up at work and heading out to the Cape! I haven’t spent much time there this summer and my whole family will be there this weekend. It’s my favorite place in the world. I can’t wait to take a shower outside, run to the ocean, see my family and best friend Kelly, watch Winston run around the backyard, and needlepoint! (My fingers are a lot better!) The only thing I don’t like about going out to the Cape is going out there. It’s a really long drive. Without traffic it takes about 4 and a half hours, but I hit traffic every time, so it’s usually between 5 and a half and 6 and a half hours. Long time in a little car with a big dog. I’m usually really happy for the first hour or two because I never get to drive and it’s fun to put on some music and put the top down. It gets old fast though when you’re sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic across the entire state of Connecticut. Totally worth it when I pull in the driveway though!


I love this house. It’s my favorite house we’ve ever lived in (and we’ve lived in a lot of houses). The porch is my favorite.



Before I know it I’ll be sitting out there watching the Red Sox and needlepointing! With this guy of course…


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


The weekend was pretty quiet. Stitched as much as I could, but my fingers are so raw! I keep poking the same spots—any suggestions? I can’t grip the canvas right with a thimble and I end up stitching bandaids into my needlepoint. I tried super glue but my mom said it was probably poisoning me. The liquid bandage (New Skin) worked pretty well at first but it didn’t stop me from poking right through it and quickly peeled off (plus the smell started to make me a little woozie). So now I’m at work with bandaids on 4 fingers and it’s really embarrassing when people ask me what happened.


A few months ago I had to go to an orthopedist because I was needlepointing so much I pulled a tendon in my elbow. In fact, it was after another freak accident that I learned to needlepoint…

I was playing tetherball with some neighborhood friends when we were living in South Florida. I jumped backwards to hit the ball and landed on a support stake for a tree. It went right through my foot, pretty much ending my summer activities. But my mom bought me a belt canvas and the rest is history.

Here’s my first belt…



Hard to believe that was about 60 belts ago…

I’ll leave you with my crazy dog.
