Friday, August 28, 2009

Reading and Winston

I’ve been torn recently between my needlepoint and reading. I spent the last year adjusting to life in New York and my first real job as well as studying for the Series 7 and Series 66 to become registered. I finally finished in the beginning of August and was so excited to finally read a book for pleasure. I picked a great one too! I was reading a back issue of Garden and Gun when I found an article by Pat Conroy, the author of “My Losing Season,” which is one of my favorite books. He wrote about where he got his inspiration for his books and about the journals he’d kept over the years. Whenever he had writer’s block, he would go back to his journals to get ideas on how to move forward with the plot. He talked about how he struggled with “Prince of Tides,” and after reading the article, I went out and picked up the book.


I’m about ¾ of the way through. Before I took the Series 66, I told myself I could only read the book on the subway to and from work, and had to study during all other free moments. Now that I’m registered, I want to read all the time! I don’t want this book to end though. Long story short, I have a ton of needlepoint to do, way too many orders for one person to fill, and all I want to do is bury my nose in this book. I’ll be sad when it’s finished but at least I’ll be able to get some stitching done…if I can keep from opening his latest book I bought…


I had a really fun night last night. Two guys from work invited Winston and me over for a barbecue at their apartment. I do love hot dogs, but the selling point was that Winston could swim in their pool. I haven’t heard of anyone in New York City who has their own pool and Winston absolutely loves to swim so I couldn’t say no. Even though he’s a Labrador Retriever, he doesn’t retrieve unless it’s in the water. He will swim out to a ball or Frisbee as long as you keep throwing it. Last night we were retrieving noodles. clip_image004

He swallowed so much water he was wheezing but he wouldn’t stop. It took us half an hour to walk there and then half an hour home (it’s tough to find a cab driver who will take a hundred pound yellow lab!) So after an hour of walking and about an hour of swimming, he slept so well! Which meant I did too!

He’s been very funny lately. I had him in the city with me when I first moved here in June 2008 and then I took him home at Thanksgiving and my parents kept him in North Carolina and Cape Cod until I brought him back to the city this past June. I think he’s been weird cause he’s alone a lot—you know how people get weird when they’re alone for long periods of time? Every time I get in the shower, he tries to get in with me. A couple days ago, I picked up all of his toys and put them back in his basket and then went and did some dishes. clip_image006

When I walked back in my bedroom five minutes later, he was laying on my bed, surrounded by all of his toys.


I do feel bad leaving him alone while I’m at work, but I have a dog walker and every afternoon we run to the dog park, play for awhile, and run home. I make him homemade doggie ice cream too! (recipe below)


32 oz plain yogurt

½ cup peanut butter

1 jar pureed banana baby food

Drizzle of honey

Paper cups


Mix all ingredients, pour into Dixie cups, cover with foil, and freeze.


I get the cups without the wax on them because sometimes he chews them up (possibly even eats some of them!) after he finishes the ice cream. He loves them though and they keep him occupied for a long time and then he’s tired and happy once he’s finished!

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